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Japan's "female robot" is on fire, high-grade silicone + simulation production, users say they are good!

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Every time you mention robots, people are full of fantasies. After all, the 3D movies seen in cinemas are too realistic. Robots have powerful functions that can help people do a lot of things they can't do, so everyone wants to be in real life. With the development of technology, various countries have begun to develop robots, but the first to develop is Japan, they developed "female robots", and the Japanese "female robots" fire, high-grade silicone + Simulation production, users say they are good!

Japan has done a lot of work on robots. It started as early as the 1990s, but now it has been developed, and the response is particularly good. This "female robot" is on the line and 100,000 units have been snapped up. The sales volume is so hot that even the designers themselves don’t know that there will be such a fire. Is there any special place for this female robot? Why is it so hot? According to the designer, they used high-grade silicone to make this female robot.

Therefore, her whole body is very similar to a real person, including hair, eyes, mouth and everything. It is made according to the aesthetics of the Orientals. Her skin is very high-grade silicone, and it is very comfortable to touch. Many people may think that she is It's as cold as other smart robots, but the designer said that she is a temperature robot, because it uses the most advanced simulation technology, so they also placed a thermostat on the robot, so that she is hot like a real person. There is temperature.

In addition to the thermostat, there are AI chips in her brain. It can do a lot of things. Just give her instructions, then I can do a lot of things for you, such as housework, go home and don't want to cook, she can help you. Do, don't want to wash clothes, she can also help you wash, in addition to these basic functions, she will accompany you to play games, chat with you, do a lot of things with you, it is very convenient to use, after all, she will not have electricity, To charge on one side, just set this function in advance.

In order to be able to develop a better female robot, the designer conducted a survey on the user. After investigation, many users said that they are running out! Indeed, such a robot with such a powerful and powerful function, the user is naturally applauding. After all, there are still many "house men" groups in the society. They are too few women to contact, but they are also afraid of loneliness. However, Xiao Bian feels that he can't rely too much on robots. What do you think?


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