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Silicone-free shampoo, is it better than silicone oil? not necessarily

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There will be Chinese New Year in the next half month.

Is your hair packed up?

A soft and shiny hair doesn't mention how much age, so the choice of shampoo is crucial!


The impermeability and other inertness of silicon itself can seal pores and cause itching and hair loss in the scalp, so "healthy shampoo does not contain silicon."

the truth:

Silicon in shampoo is not a simple substance of silicon, but a dimethicone that smoothes the scales and reduces the frictional damage of the hair.

Today, Xiaohui sent it.

Is a list of silicone-free shampoos.

From dandruff, itching, oil control, suppleness, smell

5 aspects to reveal the true face of shampoo,


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