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Who threw the girlfriend away? Beijing police handled the suspected corpse case, which is actually a silicone model!

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A paragraph written in front of the article: Recently, my article has been copied from the media and moved to other media platforms. Here I ask everyone to exalt your hands. I am a TV reporter. Most of the articles I have written are from the Beijing Public Security Bureau. , is an exclusive news, the pictures are copyright! I have already pursued the responsibility of many plagiarists. If you reprint, please indicate the source and notify me. Please also look for it: 幺幺零 (妖妖灵) that thing, thank you for your cooperation!

The world is not a big deal. Not long ago, Beijing Fengtai police handled a very "stimulating" case. This case is also the most funny thing I have seen in recent years. Things have to start from an alarm. A sanitation worker reported to the police that he found a cardboard box of one person under a crossover bridge near the Liuli Bridge in Fengtai. This box has been placed here for three days and has not been moved. He found hair suspected of hair in the box, suspected that someone was throwing a corpse here!

The Fengli branch of the Liuliqiao police station immediately rushed to the scene, and informed the criminal police. After all, the murder case may be involved. The police station of the police station is already full of difficulties. After the rushing police station, criminal police, and on-site surveyors rushed to the scene, they found this suspicious large carton.

The box is 160 cm long, 30 cm wide and 40 cm high. It seems that it fits into a petite woman. The carton was packed very well, just because it was placed outside for a long time. It was estimated that someone had moved, so it opened a gap, and there was hair leaking out. It was terrible. It’s no wonder that sanitation workers dare not touch it. The police.

Judging by the police's many years of work experience, this is not like a corpse scene, because this box has been placed here for 3 days. If there is a body in the summer, it should be stinking, but the scene is not like this. The phenomenon. However, the police can not be taken lightly, still blocked the scene, ready to open the box and see!

The unpacking time is fixed at 10:33 in the morning. Don't look at the temperature as high as 35 degrees. However, the policeman's vest on the scene is also somewhat cold. I saw the site surveyer carefully cut the carton with a wallpaper knife. The first thing that comes into view is a Floral dress: Women, the police on the scene is also a shock, is it really a corpse?

However, after the box was opened, the police on the scene gave a sigh of relief. The box was indeed a "person", but it could not be said to be a "person". The unpacking policeman hammered it: silicone! The people present are all in the heart, cursing the bitter Lord who throws the "girlfriend"!

I don't know much about similar silicone models. I don't know what this 1 to 1 silicone model is for, sex toys? Still something like a hand? unknown. The shooting of the on-site police is not very clear, and I don’t know what type it is. Imitation stars are still anime characters, and I hope that the readers of the knowledge will give me the science, but similar things should be valuable, I don’t know who it is. Discard such a doll that has not been unsealed here.

According to sanitation workers, it should be someone who bought this thing, but did not write the address and contact information, it is estimated that the courier can not be sent to throw on the road, or simply someone is a thief guilty to accept the goods before the ghost Throw things on the side of the road. There must be a lot of otaku’s hearts yelling at the horror of the sky, and I want to come and claim it, but be careful to smash the smoke.

It is a pity that it is too late. The police directly contacted the sanitation workers to send the silicone model that had been plagued by many police officers to the garbage incineration plant. I wonder if the sanitation worker who took the model would follow the rules. This has become another doubt in this case!

Jokes are jokes, but for similar items, you should not throw them. This is similar to the abandonment of animals. It may be adopted by good people, but more of the situation can only be to make valuable items into garbage. This is not only a waste, but it may also cause other troubles. Please also have something you don't need, or something that you are shy about, you can use it. You can use a lot of second-hand trading apps now, it's convenient and quick, no matter how good you are, aren't you? ?


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